Yesterday was a simple Thursday, one out of many Thursdays in my life. But for me there will never be a day like that again. This day brought me the message I have been waiting for a long time. A day that kicks off the start of the rest of my future. Today I received official notification that I, and therefore also Faye, am officially accepted for the assistance dog training. We’ve gone trough the preliminary stage. We have what it takes. And after many years of fighting, to do things “I should easily be able to do” on my own. I can now let go some of those. Stop putting so much effort and energy in the “everyone does that” and have a little help. Yes ‘everyone’ goes trough life mostly without an assistance dog, yes everyone ‘can’ do it. But after a remark like that, they all fail to ask me at what price it comes to me.
Because after all, it’s just a dog right?

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